
We meet at 1100 hrs on a Sunday morning for our Morning Worship Service.  This service includes a time of Worship, led by our talented musicians, Prayer, Bible Reading and a Sermon.


On the First and Third Sunday of the month, we will have a time of Communion.  This is an opportunity for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ to share the communion bread and wine to remember what Christ has done for us on the cross. You simply decline if you do not wish to participate. The wine we use does not contain alcohol.

Tea and Coffee

The service usually concludes around 12.20pm when everyone is invited to for a cup of tea/coffee and a chat. We love to get to know visitors and you will feel that in the welcome you will receive at this time.

What happens when I arrive?

 Our Sunday service begins at 11.00am. On arrival, you will get a warm welcome at the door from members of our Welcome Team. You will enter our sanctuary and sit anywhere you wish; we have of rows of comfortable chairs rather than pews.


During the service, an offering bag will be passed around by Church members. Giving is another way in which we worship God. However, you should feel comfortable about simply passing the plate on if you do not wish to contribute.

What do I wear?

Wear what you are comfortable in. There is no dress code at all as people wear all different kinds of clothes, a diversity which reflects us as a people. Some people wear jeans and a t-shirt, others, shirts/ties or skirts/tops.

We meet at 6:30 p.m. on a Sunday evening for our Word and Fellowship Service.  This service is more informal than the Morning Service and seating is in a ‘café style’ setting and is a great opportunity to get to know each other.

We have a time of Worship, with people’s favourite hymns and choruses, followed by a short Bible Teaching session and all rounded off with Tea and Refreshments.